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News: Momentum IV

We live in a global world where, due to hyper connectivity, information is stored without any filter in the global network. But, is there any possibility of going beyond the concept of image as simple visual information? What is the difference between an image, a memory and a postcard? What can we represent through a graphic document? MOMENTUM arises as a response to a certain environment, where images potential is reduced to a quick and ethereal use that represents basic information. Conceived as a reaction to the insane amount of inputs and images to which we are exposed on the Internet, it proposes to open a new conversation and to go back to carefully selected personal references that will allow to represent a point of view on a certain topic, finding out new ways of thinking.

Momentum I: The Ambition of Scale

The first issue, The Ambition of Scale, is the beginning of the search for a connection between the mind and the activities of a person. If societies are represented by their actions and our actions are extensions of our mind, is the architects’ mind present in their architecture? Which are their ambitions? Can we find psychology in the form?. The scale is something else than an arithmetical operation, it is a relation and a proportion between elements that tends to become harmonic. But it is will, and strength as well. When we talk about the scale of architecture we are referring to the ambition of an architect. What should architects aspire towards in their craft? What should their scale of ambition be?

Momentum II: Shelf, Shell, Shelter

The understanding of architecture and design of spaces as places for protection and perpetuation of human beings is a point of view that has been present explicitly through history […] In our opinion, we should ask ourselves some questions about this sheltering condition of the architectural discipline. Is it the pure and primal intention of buildings? Or does it appear linked to design in a non-detachable way? So the question is, if in a certain way, the only action of delimit and characterizing spaces enables the apparition of refuges that sometimes have protection as their main function, or if any space can be appropriated by us and transformed in a mental shelter where we find ourselves comfortable and, of course, safe. It is possible to sum up everything in just a single question. What is first, architecture or shelters?